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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Day Three of Classic WoW

I was able to wake up early again and play more on Sevotarthe. Today's goals were to explore the Jasperlode Mine, continue to level up my professions, and continue to make progress through the quests in Elwynn Forest.

I was excited to be able to mine and use the copper ore to craft gear and equipment for my character and my alts. I really like the feeling of being able to work towards acquiring items to make my character stronger. Not having to rely solely on quest rewards and random drops is really nice because I know I can get the gear I need by putting in a little time and effort.

The Jasperlode Mine did not disappoint in the rewards I found there. I managed to get a fair amount of copper, two chests, and I was able to take down a rare spider in the back of the cave that dropped a nice item that I could send to one of my other characters. I'm definitely going to be back in this cave in the future. Not only is it less populated that the Fargodeep Mine because it's off the beaten path from Goldshire, the caster kobolds have a chance to drop candles that have a ranged ability. This will come in handy when I'm trying to tank as a paladin since they don't have any ranged abilities to pull mobs with.

After completing the quests in that area of the zone, I headed south to try to kill Princess. This endeavor was a fun lesson in reading carefully. I scanned the quest text and I saw a farm mentioned. So I went to the farm, and since there were boars there, I figured Princess would spawn eventually. Another player was also in the zone killing boars, and I figured she was on the same quest. She was and we grouped up. Continuing to kill boars for at least five minutes, there was no sign of Princess. The warlock then realized that we were at the wrong farm. We were at the Stonefield's farm, where the quest turns in, while Princess is at the Brackwell Pumpkin Patch to the east. So we went in that direction and finished the quest without a hitch.

It was a funny moment, and one of the reasons I'm glad that I've been fortunate to have such nice people in my groups. Otherwise I might have been killing boars for a lot longer before I reread the quest text a little more carefully.

I managed to get to level 10 during this play session, and I was pretty happy with how much progress I had made in my profession leveling. The only problem was that I had been training to learn new recipes and skills that I was all out of coin to do much more crafting. In the future, I'll need to focus more on making money and less on spending it all.

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