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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What a Catacalysm!

It has been a while since my last post, but, as I stare at this computer wasting time that could be spent doing homework, I think to myself that wasting a few more minutes couldn't hurt. So Cataclysm is out! As a breif overview, I am very happy with the game so far. My time spent healing has been limited, and I have yet to begin leveling my priest. With that said, though, I definitely think that most of the discussion that I touched on with 4.0.1, proved to be right.

The game of healing has changed dramatically. Everyone has around 100k health, and our heals are not much stronger now than they were at 80. Through the few heroics I have had the chance of healing, I can say that the changes aren't as overwhelming as I thought they would be. The game is more about keeping people from dying rather than keeping everyone topped off, and I like that. The mana game is very interesting (and frustrating at times), and there are very few times when I am not actively saving lives :)

As my guild slowly gets our feet wet in more of the content, I will try to post more regularly about it. I'm not quite sure how many of regular readers I have, but to anyone reading this, I hope that you find this blog to, at the very least, help you waste time that you could could have otherwise spent studying.

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